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Signals at Ransom.jpg

This is the signal bridge for westbound trains approaching the crossover at Ransom, Illinois.  Looks clear in all directions.


The signal bridges are etched metal signal bridges from BLMA and the searchlights are also from BLMA with the LED's, three of them in each searchlight.  They are driven by TeamDigital SHD2 signal head drivers that are managed with the JMRI Panel Pro logix found in the Layout Editior software.

Signals at Ransom EB.jpg

The same signal bridge but now we have a red over red because of the eastbound local train on Main South.  The lights look somewhat yellow, but they are so bright they seem to have a yellow coloring in this digital photo.

32 wires.JPG

This is an Oregon Rail Supply 4 track bridge that I widened even more for my situation.  Unfortunately this company is now out of business, so you may have to hunt around to find one in an off road hobby shop.  The lights use one ground wire and then another wire for each individual color light.  Because there were signals facing both directions on this bridge that meant that I had 32 wires to feed down the four legs on the bridge.  Eight wires per leg.  I replaced the plastic railings with handmade tichy bronze wires soldered together.

Signal installation.jpg

This is the above bridge being installed west of the Joliet double crossover.  Right now the signals are just being installed and one of the workers is up on the bridge and the work crew's equipment is seen down on the ground. 


Here is that signal bridge completely installed and working on the layout.  For an image of the prototype bridge at Joliet, click here.

Anchor 1
Signal Decoders.jpg

These are the Team Digital SHD2 signal head drivers that I used to manage signals on the layout.  Each module will drive 2 signals heads.

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